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Newer or Forthcoming Work:

"The Green Choir," "The Two of Us" - APARTMENT Poetry

"out of pocket," - Bennington Review (forthcoming)"

if there are so many soda cans we can't take care of them there are too many soda cans," "polaroid, jp's house, 2016," "precarity," "the expanding universe by laurie spiegel" - DIAGRAM (forthcoming)

"Domestic," - Quarterly West 2022 poetry contest finalist 

"Questions Offered at the Foot of the Great Oak," "I Wear My Hair Long," Denver Quarterly

"The Sun As an Empath" - Coal Hill Review

"The Sun and the Marsh Played Strategy Games," "The Sun as a Child," - Inscape 

"Adagio for Strings," "My Lover Squawk Squawks and Explodes" -Painted Bride Quarterly 

"Into the Mall for the Light of It," "In the Second-long Stretch of the Second Night" - Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

"All the World a Line Segment"
- Sink Review, issue 19

"Murder at the Last Cartoon Watering Hole," "Horse Trick," "Detective Story Set at the Tower of Babel," "Yellowed Inside Me" - Can We Have Our Ball Back? 

"Cambrian," "I First Dream of Being," "The Horror," "Greened Inside Me," "A Name Is Only A Mask," "Hare Architecture" - Snail Trail Press, spring/summer 2020 issue

"Florida in Ninety-Four" - Saw Palm: florida literature and art, issue 14 "Florida Noir" 

"Gauze Panther Mourning Period" - Burning House Press, Signaling Through the Flames issue (guest edited by Johannes Göransson)

Selected Older Work:

"mother always said if you stay that way your electrons will get stuck in place" - A Velvet Giant 

"Suicide is a Hole Draining Milk from Flowers" - DreamPop Press

“Dear Crumpled Paper,” “Dear Camera Lens,” “Dear Marble Dragon,” “Dear Matryoshka Doll,” “Dear Set of Saucers” -  The Birds We Piled Loosely, issue 12 

from "Sometimes the Word for Tender Isn't Tender" - Heavy Feather Review

"Dear Bodily," "Dear Violent Night" - smoking glue gun 

"Dear Indigo Scissors" - Foundry, issue 3

"Dear Hidden Alphabet," "Dear Freezespace" - Deluge, issue 7  

“Dear Purple Umbrella,” “Dear Ornamental Fan” and “Dear Lavender Ribbon” - Quarterly West, issue 85

"blue" (after Carl Phillips) - 

Poetry: Work
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